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JIT Inventory Services - Parts & Inventory Mgt.

There’s not a moment to lose when your plant is down. When a production line needs a critical part from our inventory, time is of the essence. One phone call and the part is shipped that same day for next day delivery! Our JIT Inventory System is designed for the efficient management of parts as need occurs in your plant, or at your customer’s facility.

With multiple plants or customer locations, the use of a centralized parts inventory makes sound business sense. We have developed this important service to supplement the total offering we bring to your business. You’ll find it useful and profitable. We have literally hundreds of parts in inventory, stocked per contract to maintain appropriate inventory levels. We automatically produce new parts and resupply inventory as needed.

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Our latest example of JIT Inventory Services includes this unique tennis ball hopper called Hop-a-Razzi. For more information see Business Ventures
