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Short Run Production
Short Run Applications
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JIT Inventory Applications
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Welcome to Microtech's Custom Manufacturing Solutions

Microtech Machine Company is devoted to the pursuit of unique solutions in custom manufacturing. Our business offers a range of services, from short run production and prototypes to JIT replacement parts shipped from our system. Additionally, we design, build and test new machines and production lines. And, we rebuild components from existing systems that need reverse engineering for the replacement of a particular part or assembly.

This total concept in custom manufacturing provides our clients with a smooth, professional relationship. Please take a few minutes to review our many capabilities. Call us at 847-870-0707, or email your thoughts, prints, photos and design criteria.

We will be happy to arrange a tour of Microtech’s facilities, or to present our capabilities in person at your facility.

Thank you for visiting our site. We will enjoy hearing from you.

  We serve a wide range of businesses with unique manufacturing solutions. These wheeled, stackable tennis ball hoppers feature adjustable handles and come in 6 colors. See Business Ventures.  